via whoresatmydoor.tumblr.com |
You know those days when you're tired, you're grumpy, and you're just looking forward to going home and eating pizza in front of the TV with your parents (err, or something like that...)? Sometimes the best way to get through the day is to kind of proactively force yourself into a better mood. It takes some work, but the whole day will go by a lot faster, and you might even enjoy yourself. For me, writing things down or compiling a list of things that don't suck always helps (which is why I have a blog, duh). Here's a quick 5 things that make me feel pretty good.
via torontolife.com |
1. This article on torontolife.com about raising chickens in Toronto. So what if it's still technically against the law? Each person interviewed gave totally positive, non-descript reasons for why owning chickens is so great. The neighbours love them! The eggs are tasty! They're not super loud or smelly! All kidding aside, I would want to get more information—it would be a huge responsibility—but I am seriously considering getting a hen for the backyard. I eat tons of eggs and it would be nice for Penelope to have a friend.
via juliasegal.tumblr.com |
2. Pictures of cats. To share the happiness wealth a little (and because Google Reader no longer allows sharing) I started an album of (mostly) cat pics on my facebook. It always cheers me up and I love my friends' reactions to the stupidly cute pictures that I post. Most of them are from
this one site that is just GOLD in terms of pictures that make me laugh out loud.
via loveraedar.com |
3. Pictures of peoples' homes, which are purposefully cluttered and look quirky and homey instead of sloppy. I have given up trying to get rid of all my stuff, (side note: About a month ago I was all like "Hey friends! Come over! I'm giving away a bunch of books! Slowly, without any friends coming over to take them, they all made their way back onto the bookshelf.) so now I am trying to study homes that are full of goodness but don't look messy. Or at least as messy as mine.
via nowness.com |
4. The photographs of Alexander Girard. Girard's photographs are those of an observer. I love that they are mostly of his wife during their travels together, I love the colours, and I love folksy quality of them. They're very genuine and real, and all that stuff is very aesthetically appealing to me. The bright pops of colour brighten my day. Check out the rest of them
here. The picture of his wife in a yellow dress is the background on my computer.
via style.mtv.com |
5. Robyn's performance on last week's SNL. I had momentarily forgotten about this wonderful little pixie until I saw the videos on
The Hairpin. Some people are saying that her performance was subpar, but I think those people are crazy. I don't have words to describe how much I like Robyn (her shoes and her dancing give me the biggest heart boner) and her music does this thing to me, where I am sitting at work listening and like dancing inside my head without moving at all. I've been listening to
Body Talk all week. I suggest you do the same.
Friends, that really seriously worked. I'm feeling great. (I also just got an email to say that there's rum and eggnog tasting this aft in the office, so that doesn't hurt.)
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