Things to Put In My Body
Chewable Vitamin C
I am popping this shit like candy right now. You can't OD on it, so I take some whenever I think of it. I'm really digging the blueberry flavour right now, but orange is a solid choice. And actually, remember to take your daily multivitamin too – I know when I'm in the depths of a cold, all that daily routine stuff falls by the wayside, but your multivitamin will help you get better quicker, I promise.
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I know I talk about DAVIDsTEA a lot, but that's because my affection runs deep, and at the very core of my barrel o' love is this one: Organic North African Mint. At once refreshingly minty and soul-warmingly spiced, this green tea will cure what ails you. I love it because it feels like the breath of fresh air your sinuses have been too clogged to experience for days. Resting your nose over a steaming cup of this and inhaling will do you a world of good, sicko.
My runner-up is perfect for sore throats: Bravissimo. It's camomile-based so it'll relax you, and it feels like it coats your throat in honey.
And if you're not the tea-totallin' kind, hot water with lemon and honey. Throw some ginger in there too if your sinuses are loaded.
Straight up. As a child, it was always Lipton's chicken noodle, so I keep that in my cupboard for a quick fix and easy comfort. If I'm feeling a little housebound and bored after a few days (or if you have a sick partner/roommate and you feel like being really nice), I make some Portugeuse-style chicken soup. The recipe I roughly use is this one, but I don't use the bread, cheese or pork and instead I add in onion, carrot, and a boned chicken breast, then shred the chicken after it's been boiled in the broth. Load it up with whichever veggies are on hand, but make sure you use that rapini – it's rich in vitamin C. Insta-cure.
Wonderbread toast with melted butter
Obvious. This is the easiest thing in the world to make, fills you up, and tastes like memories. You're sick – you deserve bleached flour. As a plus, it won't make you feel nauseous if you're that kind of ill.
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Raspberry Ginger Ale
Do they still make this? I don't even know if it's still available. It is my favourite drink in all the world, and I think it may only be released seasonally now. Cranberry ginger ale or even the regular kind are good in a pinch. This is especially necessary if you're feeling queasy, and for even more calming power, let it go flat before drinking.
This stuff knocks you out. It's like getting a very good version of drunk, but also satisfyingly warm and filling. For use only if you're feeling truly, untouchably awful, which is a personal rule. I'd get way too addicted if I drank it more than twice a year. I'd become a Neocitraholic, which is just one rung above glue sniffer, I think.
Hot Toddies
If you have to be sociable, at least be sauced. My go-to is a blueberry tea: a shot of Grand Marnier, a shot of amaretto, and black tea (I prefer Earl Grey). I once had a bad case of strep throat the day of a party at my house and I drank these the whole time. I was pleasantly lubricated and feeling fine all night long.
(Alternate drink: screwdriver. Orange juice for the vitamin C, vodka to cut the phlegm and make you feel better.)
Thing to Put On My Body
Consonant Lip Balm
My nose always gets chapped from blowing it so often, so I keep a good lip balm on hand since it's more effective than anything for your face. This one is locally made, unscented and really rich without being greasy in the slightest.

Soft, Shapeless Sweaters
Completely essential. My current fave is this alpaca one I found in the men's section of a thrift store. Cute animals are certified to make you feel better.
My Ugliest Pair of Sweatpants/PJ Pants
Your moment of weakness is their moment of glory. Wear 'em loud and proud, you have the ultimate excuse.
All of My Blankets
I bury myself in duvets, twist myself in afghans, curl up under comforters. I go in full on nesting mode. When I emerge a few days later, it feels like shedding a cocoon of sickness and emerging a glowing, well-rested buttefly. Glorious.
And Beside Me
Good Company
It's simply the best when you have someone to hang out with on a sick day. Any healthy person willing to hang with your sick ass is a saint, your partner or your mom. Fellow sickies are so-so as company because while you can commiserate and have the same schedule (watch TV, sniffling, nap, repeat), they'll also be irritable and annoyingly loud like you. Dogs are swell because they really do try to cheer you up, but also force you to go outside with them which sucks. Cats really are the ultimate in sick partners.
What are your get better quick tips?
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