Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Beauty tutorials

I love watching videos of people telling me how to do simple, everyday things that I should already know how to do. And I do this exactly for the same reason that I am an obsessive Googler, write down everything Penelope Trunk says, and save every tumblr post that lists ways to be creative, get out of a bad mood, accomplish your goals, or get the perfect wardrobe staples—because it's so much easier to follow someone else's tried and true advice and instructions than thinking it through for myself. Sound a bit pathetic? Maybe, but I like getting advice from people who are really passionate, and it in turn inspires me to live better, and sometimes to give my own advice.

Anyway, here are some of my current favourite beauty and makeup videos. If you have any that you love, please let me know!

The Persian Babe:

Hey Kayli:



Cut by Fred:

The Take Home Series:


  1. All of Jane Marie's How To Be A Girl tutorials on the Hairpin, for sure. For makeup-y stuff it's all about Lisa Eldridge on YouTube-- her basics videos improved my makeup/eyebrow techniques tenfold, and it doesn't feel like she includes bullshitty unnecessary steps like some other videos...

  2. Awesome. I love Jane Marie and all her makeup tips. And I'll definitely check out Lisa Eldridge. Thanks Rebecca!


Penny for your thoughts