Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Winter-time cold remedies, pt 1

Inspired by the wonderful blog Lawrence, which has been reaching out to other bloggers about what they need to get through the winter months, Amanda and I wanted to share with you a bit of what gets us through. We are both sick—I am on the tail end of a cold and she's just starting one—and even more cold, miserable, and isolating than a Toronto winter is a Toronto winter when you've got a hell of a cold. Check out Lawrence's winter must-haves, and read on for my sad sap winter cold essentials: our fave things that get us through being sick.

Netflix: Since I work from home, I don't exactly get to call in sick. But since I'm on the computer all day anyway, most of my down time is spent watching wonderfully trashy TV online. I love—I don't care if Canada's selection pales in comparison to the U.S., I am just happy with what I have. Right now, what I have is The X-Files and Twin Peaks. I've been watching The X-Files for the first time, and it's so so scary to me. This is my third time around on the Twin Peaks wagon, and I'm enjoying it even more than the first two times. I will continue to watch that show until I die. When I was feeling really sorry for myself yesterday, being cooped up indoors and looking out my window onto a grey, rainy back alley, I day dreamed about moving to rural wherever and taking long walks and eating at the Double R Diner. A girl can dream, right? I also watched 9 to 5, and if you haven't already seen that gem (starring Lilly Tomlin, Jane Fonda, and Dolly Parton) see it immediately.

Nail art: Another thing I watched on Netflix lately is the insanely amazing Earth Girls are Easy. Have you seen that movie? I wish that Geena Davis was my manicurist, because they have some of the best nails in that movie.

As much as I love these crazy nails, they are just not conducive to my lifestyle—typing, doing dishes, rummaging through my purse—any manicure I do only lasts a few days, so  like to stick with nails that are cool but aren't like works of art. I tried out a new style that I love, seen here, and I think I'll be doing this one for a while.

Knitting: My on-again, off-again love affair with knitting is on, and I've been knitting this awesome turban I found in a knitting book I got for Christmas. I won't show you until I've finished the final project, but you are going to be so proud of me. Most of my knitting is scarves—they're really easy, you don't have the count stitches, and you can knit 'em up while watching a movie. With the turban, it has my full concentration, and a whole bunch of Googling—to learn new stitches.

Wolly socks: You know those ones with the red stripe? They are keeping my feet really toasty.

NeilMed Sinus Rinse: Sorry to get gross for a minute, but this thing, as unpleasant and messy as it is, this stuff has basically saved my life. I used it for the first time on Saturday—you fill the bottle with distilled water and powdered medication and squirt it up your nose. It is honestly one of the worst sensations I've ever felt, but it gets the job done. I can breath through my nose again! I should do a commercial for these guys. I'm a sinus rinse convert.

via savingwithshellie

A "sympathetic" kitty cat: Penelope has stuck by my side through this trying time. Last night, I actually used her as a pillow. I really believe that our animals know when we are sick and try to make us feel better.

Soy lattes: Usually a little bit out of my modest budget, these cups of joy are something I treat myself to whenever I'm feeling rotten. Coffee always seems a little too harsh, but now is not the time to try and kick my caffeine dependancy.

Leonard Cohen's new album: It's called Old Ideas and it's streaming right now on NPR. It's the perfect melancholy sick music. And it sounds a little like Tom Waits, which is never a bad thing.

Dreaming of bettering myself: Specifically, taking these coding classes. You should check out this article written by Haley, a very cool girl, about ladies-only coding classes.


  1. re: that nail tutortial..."...actually from the pre-fall collection that was inspired by a tornado". lol. i cant.

  2. I know... Seems like a pretty far reach for inspiration on that one, huh?


Penny for your thoughts