Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Five Non-Essential Essentials I Need to Remain a Functioning Human

1. Coffee
I debated even putting it on the list because coffee's like water, you know? Brown water with wonderful, nourishing caffeine particles lighting up my brain pathways so I can string sentences together. This is what I'm paid to do and in a big way, helps me survive, so it's pretty essential. A grande caramel americano with a splash of soy milk for when it's cold, and I take that shit black and iced when it's hot.

2. Kraft Dinner
I swear, if I don't get a KD fix at least once every two weeks, I'm toast. I don't know what it is. I don't know what magic is contained within that slender box, but I know I need it in my cupboard at all times, and a few times a month, I'll spontaneously call off my plans with everyone and make myself a box of KD and savour it alone and all is right in the world. Sometimes I even break out the fancy spirals when I want a treat, but then I always feel somewhat cheated because the original KD noodle is the god-I-don't-believe-in's most perfect creation. My soul feels absolved, I swear—KD is the closest thing I have to confession.

PS: there was this one time I had to work late, and Laura was like, "I'll make dinner!" and I came home at like 9pm, just as she finished making two boxes of KD with cut up hot dogs in it. I knew it was true roomie love and kismet right then, and I will be eternally grateful for that, girl.

3. Nail Polish
Yeah, we've been over this. But I can't describe to you how happy it makes me to look down at my hands doing anything—typing or knitting or brushing the cat—and feel the surge of pride that a) I kicked my lifelong nail biting habit, fuck yeah! and b) I can paint such a tiny surface passably and even impressively. The ritual of nail painting is one of the girlhood tenets I've never slacked on, so it has all sorts of nostalgic feelings mixed up with a visible improvement in my hands' appearance. Thumbs up to polished digits.

4. Twitter
I love Twitter and I'm not afraid to say so. I know it's like Fight Club where we're not supposed to talk about it, but I just want everyone who doesn't use Twitter to know how wonderful and beautiful a place the internet can be, a place that makes Facebook seem a grotesque funhouse of a social media parody. I can't even tell you why, because your Twitter experience will be totally dependent on the people you follow, but I will say that I have gotten a job interview through Twitter, I have made new friends IRL through Twitter, and my writing has vastly improved since using Twitter. Yes, it has the dumbest sounding vernacular imaginable, but it's no worse than "liking" and mostly requires you to use actual language (except when someone tweets something perfect and you just retweet it in its perfect glory). Download TweetDeck, add me and I'll show you the ropes.

5. Belts
Most of what I wear are shapeless oversized sack dresses or high waisted pants. These things require belts to make you look like you actually have a waist, to make your pants look neat and not bulging, and to remind you to sit up straight. That's one of my favourite reasons to wear belts actually—I have a terrible slouching problem, and belts force me to take note and thrust my shoulders back. Also the best part of the day is when you come home after work and take off your belt, because then your body knows for sure it's time to relax. Insta-work stress relief.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with all of these except for belts. I can't wear belts, my body is just not made for them. I am forever meant to wear shapeless clothing that makes me look pregnant.


Penny for your thoughts